Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My Middle School

When I finished 5 years elementary school life, I planned to go middle school.
According to my hometown policy, I would allocate to 5# Lingxi Middle school which was not good for education place. My father changed my middle school to 3# Lingxi Middle school, of course, used ?1500.
There, I studied hard, and my classmate almost from center of town. So I can see more.
Look back now, I am so luckly. Of course, I must thanks for my parents.

From middle school, we need learn English. But I do not good at it.

In the last examine which decided which High School you would join, I do a no bad exam, but no good.
I also needed use ?1500 to enter 1# Cangnan High School. After all, I was so fortunate. I joined the best high school in my hometown.

These happened in 1998.


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